Bioactive Skincare >>>

The Best Cellulite and Slimming Body Oil

The best body oil to shape and tone up the body, reduce cellulite and fat.

Fact: about 90% of women and 10% of men have cellulite on their body.

How to apply a cellulite and slimming body oil?

After bath or shower, warm a small amount of the oil in your palm then massage in circular motion all over the body particularly the abdomen (tummy), upper arms, thighs and buttocks. For best results, use it daily for at least 3 months in combination with healthy diet and exercise.

Which anti-cellulite and slimming treatment product is best?

" I have been researching and developing slimming and cellulite treatment products for over 15 years from a water-based serum, gel, cream to a 100% concentrated oil-based formula. Based on my experience, cellulite and slimming treatment oil is best particularly when you massage it into the affected areas of the body on daily basis. Anti-Cellulite Slimming Body Oil is the only product which I use on my body to tone up the skin, ease muscle stiffness, stay slim and cellulite free."

Henry Tianus, anti-ageing scientist and formulator


1 product